Great Design Conversion Focused Engaging Websites

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Our website design process

Creating a website, regardless of its scale, involves a comprehensive process that can seem daunting. To provide you with greater clarity on what to anticipate during the design and development stages, here’s our process outlined in three steps:

Layout and design

A significant and time-consuming aspect of website design lies in the planning and layout phase. Initially, we’ll craft the website’s sitemap (page/menu hierarchy)  Following that, we’ll design the homepage along with a subpage for your review and approval.

Build and develop

After the approval of the site layout and design, we’ll proceed to designing all the pages of the site and integrate all necessary functionality and plugins. We’ll ensure that your site maintains an appealing appearance and operates smoothly on all devices and web browsers before advancing to the final stage.

Edits and revisions

Upon completion of the site, you’ll have the opportunity to review each page, allowing for detailed edits until the site is launch readiness. We kindly request that you review ALL pages meticulously to ensure accuracy in spelling, grammar, addresses, and information before the site goes live.

Our web design solutions

1) Core


Make your presence felt with your brand, offer and a bit about you.
This is our starting point and covers smaller brochure/information type websites of between 5 – 10 pages. It may include features such as a blog and basic plugins, but won’t have much in terms of complex functionality.

2) Pro


A larger more robust and engaging website. This website range is between 11 – 25 pages with more advanced functionality such as blogging, project galleries, calendars, quote forms and more…

3) Elite


In the larger sites category. These websites can be 30+ pages. With extensive design, development, and functionality for more interactive customer experiences on you website.

Included with every website design

The parts you see:

Best practice, engaging design

Clean, modern, and functional design that perfectly aligns to your individual requirements. Which means you make a strong first impression.

Editing of all written content

Spelling and grammar mistakes can undermine your professional image. We are dedicated to ensuring your website remains free from such errors. Furthermore we can write your content for you, or edit what you submit.

Mobile friendly

Mobile-friendly sites are a top priority. A significant number of website visitors arrive via search on mobile, which means more potential traffic to your site.

Site speed

We work hard to build your website so that it loads fast, visitors and Google love that. Keep in mind that hosting plays an important role as well.

Give your visitors more ways to reach out

Contact forms, calls to action, and well-placed buttons. If you need a newsletter sign-up or a calendar for upcoming events. No problem, we have you covered.

Premium plugins

Add cool functionality to your site with premium plugins.

The parts you don't see:

On-page SEO

We use a popular Search Engine Optimization plugin along with appropriate keywords and site structure to help your site get found in Google search.

Security features

Website hacks and malware unfortunately can happen and cause great disruptions. We prioritize your site security and take all measures to safeguard your site. However, the best protection for your site is with continuous monitoring and maintenance.

Google search console indexing

We register your site with Google Search Console which makes it quicker to get found. It also assists in monitoring for errors, site loading issues and potential hacking and malware.

Website analytics

You need to know where your visitors are coming from, what devices they’re using and what they’re doing on your website
We include Google Analytics with every site we build for clients who want to manage their own analytics and Fathom Analytics for clients who use our maintenance plan.

Image editing and optimization

We resize every image on your website because images play a huge role in visual communication but can be a major drag on site loading speed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a website cost?

This question comes up frequently in my experience. I compare it to asking a building contractor about the cost of constructing a house. Their first step would typically revolve around the type of house you desire. The difference between a modest two-bedroom bungalow with basic features and a luxurious five-bedroom, two-story residence with intricate built-ins and extras would be significant.

The principle applies to websites as well. The cost difference between a straightforward, informative five-page business website and a comprehensive website platform exceeding 20 pages, featuring multiple layers of functionality such as an integrated payment system, calendar scheduling, and more, is substantial. Therefore without enough information, I can’t provide a precise answer at this stage.

That’s the reason we begin every website project with a questionnaire for our potential clients to complete and send back. This helps us understand the vision and scale of the website you desire. The estimate we provide based on this information is calculated based on the estimated hours needed to develop your site, including software tools, plugins, and more. 

To get the ball rolling on your new site or for more information, just reach out.

How long will it take?

The timeframe for completing a website varies significantly, ranging from a few weeks to several months. This duration hinges on various factors including time constraints from both you the client and ourselves, the speed of obtaining essential content, and your ability to review and approve the website elements promptly. 

Prioritizing the website feedback cycle can significantly accelerate the process.

What will you need from me?

After reaching an agreement on our pricing proposal and signing our design contract, We’ll provide you with details about our workflow and requirements. However, if you’re eager to know beforehand, here’s what we’ll need:

  1. Your logo (preferably in PDF, EPS, or high-resolution JPEG format)
  2. Login information for your domain and hosting (if already set up)
  3. Current website login details (if applicable for a WordPress site)
  4. Images or new pictures intended for the new site
  5. Brand style guide, including colors or any specific graphics in use
Can I update the website myself?

Upon the launch of their website, certain clients opt to handle updates and maintenance independently. 

If this aligns with your preferences, I’ll schedule a training session with you post-launch to demonstrate how to log in and manage your website.

If managing website updates and content yourself feels daunting, we encourage you to explore our maintenance plans instead.

At Digital Design Flow, we believe that true website ownership should be in your hands.

Unlike many other monthly website providers, we want you to be the rightful owner of your website.

Once your site is completed and payment finalised the website is 100% yours, no strings attached.

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